The Lego Super Friends Project: 31 Custom Figures

JustJon's Custom Lego Super Friends, Superheroes

The Lego Friends figures have proven to be extremely customizable. These 31 custom figures that make up the Lego Super Friends Project prove just that. Created by JustJon, this project was revealed over the 31 days of July. In order to curate a list of possible customs figures, social media was heavily used to reach a wide audience with a wide variety of opinions. The 31 superheroes contain a good mix of characters from DC Comics and Marvel Comics. These figures were made with the use of Lego Minifigures accessories, hair pieces, and a little bit of paint. The larger size (compared to a Minifigure) makes it a whole lot easier to do custom paint work.

“I began the project surreptitiously by posing the question “Who is your favorite super heroine?” on my social networks. I took note of the characters people named and started creating a list on my white board, with the left side containing numbers for the days they were released on and the right side a list of potential characters to make. Once I began creating the custom minifigures, I made sure that each fit into the role of super heroine (as some people did request villains), that no character would be repeated in alternate costumes, and that I would release one per day for the entire month of July. I tried to vary the characters to appease to different audiences and keep things interesting for myself by using characters who were well known in the popular culture and those who were lesser known.” — JustJon

The complete roster of the Lego Super Friends Project includes: Supergirl, Phoenix, Black Widow, Sue Storm, Polaris, Storm, Batgirl, Rogue, Kitty Pryde, Captain Marvel, X-23, Stargirl, Zatanna, Psylocke, Wonder Woman, Batwoman, Mary Marvel, Catwoman, Scarlet Witch, Spider-Woman, Saturn Girl, Dazzler, Firestar, Kabuki, Hawkeye, Black Cat, Gamora, Jubilee, Black Canary, Hit-Girl, and Raven.

JustJon's Custom Lego Super Friends, Superheroes, Batgirl JustJon's Custom Lego Friends Superheroes, Jubilee JustJon's Custom Lego Friends Superheroes, Hit Girl JustJon's Custom Lego Friends Superheroes, Black Widow

The creator of this project, JustJon, has opened up an Etsy store where some of these custom figures (and more) are available for purchase:

More details on the Lego Super Friends Project can be found here:

This Custom Lego Friends Wonder Woman is Awesome

tikitikitembo's Lego Friends Wonder Woman

The Lego Friends have proven to much more versatile then originally thought. One super cool way to customize your figures is with custom painting. This Lego Friends Wonder Woman is a great example of what can be done with some paint and a brush. To complete the look, the hair piece, and golden whip can be found in the recent Superman vs. Power Armor Lex (6862) set. Diana Prince is now ready to fight the worst Lego criminals out there.

This Custom Lego Wonder Woman can be found here:

Paradise Lost in this Lego Wonder Woman vs. Ares Vignette

Tim Lydy's Lego Wonder Woman vs Ares

A lot of the DC Comics superheroes have had a lot of attention lately. Especially Batman and Superman. But there are many more that seem not make the jump from comic book to film. Wonder Woman is one of those superheroes. She will finally get her own film in a few years, but until then fans will have to create their own stories. This Lego Wonder Woman vs. Ares vignette is the creation of Tim Lydy. This MOC started out as an adaption of an episode of Justice League titled “Paradise Lost.” Which lead the builder to replace Hades, with Ares (a more famous Wonder Woman villain). Ares is sporting the new helmet from the Hobbit theme.

“The god of war, Ares, has kidnapped the Amazonian Queen Hippolyta—and it’s up to the queen’s own daughter Diana; otherwise known as Wonder Woman; to save her and all of Themyscira from the mighty god’s wrath!”

Tim Lydy's Lego Wonder Woman vs Ares Detail

Check out this Lego Wonder Woman vs. Ares vignette over on Flickr:

Lego Justice League (JLA)

Bryant's Lego Justice League

The Justice League of America (JLA) is the ultimate superhero team. DC Comics first put the Justice League together in 1960. Originally featuring Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern, Aquaman, and the Martian Manhunter. Since then the superhero team has had a sort of revolving door for membership. Here, Flickr user Bryant, has imagined a Lego version of the team featuring the core members, plus Hawkman, Green Arrow, the Atom, and the Black Canary. Someday Lego may get around to creating official Lego minifigures for all the major DC Comics superheroes, until that time custom minifigs will have to fill in the missing heroes.

Bryant's Lego Justice League: Hawkman & Atom

Here are two of the custom Justice League Lego minifigures. Hawkman is a combination of decals and painting, while the Atom is a custom painted Lego trophy. That little Lego trophy makes a perfect Lego Atom.

Bryant's Lego Justice League Martian Manhunter & Green Lantern

Here is the custom Lego Martian Manhunter and the Green Lantern. Decals were used again to achieve the torso prints.

Bryant's Lego Justice League: Aquaman & Flash

The final two custom JLA members are Aquaman and the Flash. Once again showing off custom decals for the torsos. The old style Lego space helmet works great here too.

Lego Legion of Doom

Bryant's Lego Justice League Villains

But, we cannot forget the supervillains, even super friends have super enemies. Bryant has created a super lineup (based on Justice League Doom, Legion of Doom, and Super Friends) featuring Amazo, Captain Cold, Darkseid, Lex Luthor, Joker, Bizarro, Solomun Grundy and Black Adam. The big stand outs here are Darkseid, and Solomun Grundy. Adding a plate between the legs and torso works well but leaves me wondering how it was accomplished.

Check out all of Bryant’s work on Flicker here: