Tag: the lord of the rings
Upper levels of Minas Tirith
“For the fashion of Minas Tirith was such that it was built on seven levels, each delved into the hill, and about each was set a wall, and in each was a gate. But the gates were not set in a line: the Great Gate in the City wall was at the east point of the circuit, but the next faced half south, and the third half north, and so to and fro upwards; so the paved way that climbed toward the citadel turned this way and that and then that across the face of the hill.” — The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Minas Tirith: The City of Kings
J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings is the source of a many My Own Creation (MOC) builds, second only to Star Wars. Every few months a newer and more epic build is revealed to the public. It looks like the recent Helms Deep MOC has some series competition for the title of the greatest Lord of the Rings build. All the credit goes to Flickr user Chairudo, who is responsible for this massive Minas Tirith.
The current status for this build puts the brick count at 120,000 bricks, and roughly 6 feet tall. These 120,000 bricks only represent the top 2 levels of the total 7 that Minas Tirith is composed of. What you see here has taken a little over 2 years to build. Imagine what that means if this thing ever gets finished.
Just look at all the details. From the impeccable rock work, to the White Tree of Gondor. Even the Citadel is completely build up on the interior. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Palantír of Minas Anor was included. This build is epic.
Recently Minas Tirith was on display at Lipno Point in the Czech Republic. If this thing ever goes on tour, make sure to go see it. I have a feeling that we will be seeing many more updates to this build in the coming years.
Check out many more photos and updates on Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/87198490@N07/sets/72157631651906415/
LegoGenre | 00254
The Lord of the Rings: Helm’s Deep
Helm’s Deep. For most, it is probably the most iconic scene from J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings. People have been creating all sorts of stuff based off of this legendary battle. Even I was creating Lego scenes and doodling Helm’s Deep throughout Middle School. Who knew that it would be Peter Jackson who would achieve everyones dream when he created his version for film.
When Lego announced that they were getting the Lord of the Rings license, the first question was whether or not they would do their own version of Helm’s Deep. Lego did not disappoint. In the first wave for the theme they released the awesome The Lord of the Rings: The Battle of Helm’s Deep 9474 . But for some, it still wasn’t enough.
GOEL KIM uploaded these photos of Helm’s Deep, created by Rich-K & Big J. This MOC is truly impressive. With over 150,000 bricks and 1,700 minifigs this has to be one of the largest LOTR builds out there. The Battle of the Hornburg is only 90% complete. With a massive tower, and more detailing to add. There are even more photos at MOCPages.
It’s not hard to imagine Théoden leading a final charge at dawn, and Gandalf arriving just in time to save the day.
LegoGenre | 00253
Lego Tower Of Orthanc
Lego Lord of the Rings gets a new mega set this summer with the Tower of Orthanc (No. 10237). Poor old Saruman will have to live his downfall over and over again. Isengard has never looked better at 2,359 pieces. This will certainly take the majority of a day to build, which is not a problem. The problem is that at 6 floors tall, totaling over 2 feet tall (28in or 73cm), most people will not have room to display this set without having to specifically make room for it. Make sure to check out the the designers video below!
The Tower of Orthanc will come with minifigs for Saruman, Grima Wormtongue, Gandalf, a random Uruk-hai, and an Orc Pitmaster. Not only that but you will get a rare Great Eagle, and a brick build Ent. You can now reenact all of your favorite scenes, such as the great wizard battle and defeat of Gandalf. One of the rooms of this great tower contains the Palantír of Orthanc (with a light brick!), where Saruman communicates directly with Sauron. You can even reenact Gandalf’s call for help, with a Great Eagle rescuing him just in time. Or, the fall and destruction of the tower as the Ent join battle with the evil Orcs. This set is full of fun details. Hopefully soon, we will get a Treebeard figure that we can add to the battle.
Many more images can be found at Brickset’s Flickr page.
The first review of the Tower of Orthanc has been released: http://everydaybricks.com/lord-of-the-rings-tower-of-orthanc-reviewed/