The Lego Minifigures Series are fun to collect. They always look great too, especially when displayed in a group. One of the best ways to show off your collection is to build little mini MOCs or vignettes. These Lego Minifigures Series 19 vignettes are super cute. Created by zaru_soba, they show off all the different figures and create a mini story. The personality of each minifig matches up perfectly with their scene. The video gamer battlestation, the bathtub wave surfer, the dog sitter, and the retro gardener are some favorites. What is great is that these type of MOCs take relatively few pieces to build.

For some more details and such, check these Series 19 vignettes out over here: https://www.reddit.com/r/lego/comments/exrfs4/ive_completed_my_set_of_series_19_vignettes_with/