A good public transit system is a necessity in our society. Taking people to and from all sorts of destinations. Lego people also need to go places, and any good Lego city needs at least one bus. There have been many official Lego bus sets released but none as detailed as this Lego MOC. This bus the creation of The Eleventh Bricks. It is a recreation of one of the Rapid Kuala Lumpur Busses. A lot of custom made decals/stickers help to lend this build realism. Not only is the exterior a great build, but it has a fully detailed interior too. Holding a lot of Minifigures, 25 to be exact, just like a real bus. Each seat can recline and there is even a signal cord. All built with about 500 Lego pieces. The whole MOC is fully lighted with headlights, taillights, break lights, and interior lights. This is one good looking Lego Bus, even at night.

Check out this Lego Rapid KL Bus over here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/162930136@N03/49654641481/