The First Robin Of Spring

The First Robin Of Spring

Spring is here which means plants and animals come out of hinding. This is an American Robin, a migratory bird that goes north in the spring to eat, and flies down south during the winter. This Lego Robin is the creation of Henjin_Quilones. The whole scene is a challenge to build something that only has four studs touching the ground. Lego is impressively strong, but the whole system works best with baseplates. This Lego MOC goes one stud further, and only has three studs holding everything up. The branch is designed as the main support. The early blooms are a nice detail, and if you look closely is there are even Minifigure legs hidden in the bark. The nest is a great combination of various brown Lego pieces. You can find blades, vines, horns, whips, and oars all tangled up. The star of the show is the Robin. The coloring is spot on to the real life inspiration. The beautiful wingspan has been replicated well too. Check out the curve achieved with the feathers, created with angles and half stud connections. The Robin is being held up by one branch all the way in the back, a great way to create the illusion of flying.

Check out this Lego MOC called “The First Robin of Spring” over here:

Save The Day With Lego Yoshi

Save The Day With Lego Yoshi

Yoshi! He is Mario’s trusted friend, traveling companion, babysitter, and sometimes even vehicle. First appearing in Super Mario World, where he wowed the world with his ground pound, flutter jump, egg throwing, and appetite. The green dino has made it into almost all of the Mario video games since his debut. This Lego Yoshi is the creation of Koen Zwanenburg. It has movable legs, arms, and jaws. The lime green lego is a perfect match for him which in the past Lego builds have had to use the darker green. This lego dinosaur even has sneakers, which helps him get around. If you look hard enough you might even find him in Mario 64.

Check out Lego Yoshi over here:

There are also other Mario and Nintendo stuff over here: