The Rooster Says: Happy Lego Lunar New Year

Zio Chao Lego Lunar New Year 2017

Today (January 28th) is the start of the Lunar New Year 2017, and the celebrations will last though most of February. This year stars the Rooster. People born in years of the Rooster are supposed to be honest, intelligent, confident, and diverse. All perfect traits for Lego builders. ZiO Chao has been hard at work building a bunch of Lego Lunar New Year MOCs honoring the Rooster over the last month or so. The star of the build is the Rooster himself. A highly detailed and voluminous bird made of Lego pieces. The shapes and feather details are not easy to work with in Lego. Check out those tail feathers!


Zio Chao Lego Lunar New Year 2017 01

The bird is accompanied by a few builds of writing. These super complicated shapes are not at all friendly to the squarish Lego brick. What is amazing is just how legible the final MOCs are.

Zio Chao Lego Lunar New Year 2017 02

Check out these Lego Lunar New Year MOCs by ZiO Chao over here:

Chinese Architecture – Near Sanyuanqiao Station, Beijing

qian yj Lego Chinese Architecture Restaurant

Lego builder Qian Yj has specialized in building Chinese themed Lego MOCs. One of their latest models is this “Lego Chinese Wind Architecture – Kuang Dian.” It is an amazing study of Chinese Architecture. The facade near perfect. Check out the details such as the trim around the roof, the red lanterns, the various seating arrangements, and the custom signage.

qian yj Lego Chinese Architecture Restaurant Detail

This Lego Restaurant is not a small building, and the interior is fully built. It looks like there are private dinning rooms, booths, a kitchen, and more all squeezed in. Using the 2×4 flat plates for detailing on the walls is a great idea.

qian yj Lego Chinese Architecture Restaurant Interior

This Lego Restaurant is actually based on a real life location. The restaurant is located around the Sanyuanqiao Station in Beijing. If you compare it to the Lego version, you will that almost every detail is represented. The scale is a bit off, but that is typical of Lego projects.

qian yj Chinese Architecture Restaurant

Check out “Lego Chinese Wind Architecture – Kuang Dian” created by Qian Yj over here:

The Chinese Lego Lion Dance (Barongsai)

Donna Liem's Lego Chinese Lion Dance

Get ready to ring in the lunar new year. The year of the sheep (goat, ram) has officially started. If you happen to see any giant Lions dancing, make sure to join in the fun. Those Lions are hungry for green. Flickr user, Donna Liem, has created four “Barongsai in action” Lego scenes. Featuring the traditional Lion Dance, with drummers, and even an old lady feeding the lion. Barongsai is the Indonesian word for the Chinese Lion dance (採青).

Donna Liem's Lego Barongsai In Action, Lion Dance

The four Lego Lions are all distinctively different. There are two red and yellow Lions, a black and yellow Lion, and a black and white Lion. Interestingly the Black Lion is the youngest of all the Lions.

Donna Liem's Lego Barongsai In Action

There is also another series titled the Chinese Lion Dance (採青), which features the same four Lions but in a more simplified display. These guys look awesome. Check out the different ways the eyes have been used to show their personalities. Each one is extremely similar but they are all different too. Check out the red Lego mug being used to connect the eyes to the body in the second Lion. Gung Hei Fat Choy.

Donna Liem's Lego New Year Barongsai, Lion DanceDonna Liem's Lego Chinese New Year Lion Dance


You can find all four of these Lions over on Donna Liem’s Flickr page:

Happy Lego Lunar New Year

ryouta22's Lego Happy Lunar New Year

Happy Lunar New Year. The year of the Horse is ready to begin. Flickr user Ryoutachan22 posted this super cute collection of the 12 Zodiac signs. Believe it or not, these were built by a 7 year old. Which, puts my own building skills to shame. These cute animals are a great example of how much variety you can achieve with only one shape (sphere).

Can you can match up the Rat, Cow, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Bird, Dog, and Boar with their Lego representation?

Check out your Zodiac over on Flickr: