Chicks And Bunnies, The Lego Peeps

Chicks And Bunnies, The Lego Peeps

Peeps have been around for over 65 years. The marshmallow and sugar candies are pretty much only available in the spring. There are two different classic peeps, chicks and bunnies. And, a serving size is 5 at a time, which seems very plentiful. These Lego Peeps are the creation of allysongaillego. Who has been building a lot of Easter and Holiday themed creations. They are in the classic pink and yellow colors. With the black brick outline it really helps to give these definition. I wonder if you leave them in the car, if they too will melt into a weird mega Peep?

Check out allysongaillego and the Lego Peeps over here:

“Do Not Feed” — Mosaic Window Display

Hilary Leung and Steadibrick's “Do Not Feed” Mosaic Window Display

Hilary Leung and Steadibrick created this wonderful 3D mosaic window display titled “Do Not Feed.” This display is currently up in the Sherway Gardens Lego store in Toronto. It is not everyday that you see people combining a typical Lego mosaic with 3D objects, which is a shame because it can look great. As usual the pixelated 8-bit style design is a great fit with the blocky Lego. Everything is just so cute.

Make sure to check out this project over at Threadless, where you can vote to see it on a T-shirt!

Check out more creations by Hilary Leung on Flickr:
and check out Stedibrick’s page on Flickr:

Hilary Leung has also been featured before on LegoGenre: Lego Mosaics By Hilary Leung: