A Bicycle Automaton — Lego Build

A Bicycle Automaton — Lego Build

A bicycle can offer a feeling of freedom unmatched by almost any other vehicle. If I could ride a bike all day I would. This Lego Bicycle Automaton, created by parsom, offers just that fantasy. The first thing you notice is that the automaton feature is on full display. The design mimics the design of a bike, with a chain and two wheels. By turning the small crank the Minifigure will start riding, with wheels turning and the background changing. Every season is represented, it doesn’t matter if it is sun or snow, nothing will stop a good bike ride. This Lego MOC is up on Lego Ideas, so make sure to vote for it if you want to see something like this released by Lego. There is also a video to check out (below), which shows how everything works.

A Bicycle Automaton — Lego Build, Number 2

You can find Bicycle, Bicycle, BICYCLE on Lego Ideas over here: https://ideas.lego.com/projects/a356b5ed-b841-4b10-905b-7f608a786ce1

This Bicycle Automaton can also be found on YouTube below, or over here: https://youtu.be/3TRukEurKaE

Compile Code With This Lego Automaton

Compile Code With This Lego Automaton

Spending all day writing code can be a lonely experience, so why not build your own little office worker. You can watch him work all day, instead of doing your work. This is the “Office Worker Lego Automaton” created by JK Brickworks. This little build features one office worker, one office chair, a PC style computer tower, a monitor, speakers, keyboard, mouse, desk, mug, headphones, and a potted plant. All the stuff you need to compile code, pivot excel spread sheets, or play Doom. This Lego build is also an automaton. You can turn the crank and watch the little worker type. The design can even be motorized so he can work on his own. A neat feature is that the vignette can be modified to reflect your own settings. You can easily add duel monitors, change to a standing desk, change the speakers, change the potted plant, and modify the appearance of the worker. So compile code, commit to GitHub, and start debugging now with this Lego automaton.

Compile Code With This Lego Automaton - Office Worker - Instructions

A full set of instructions for building your own Lego Office Worker have been provided by JK Brickworks here: https://jkbrickworks.com/office-worker

There is even a full video showing off all the features, automation, and customizable options below, or over here: https://youtu.be/VpZxTXKQ6C4

The Pegasus Automaton. A Lego Kinetic Sculpture.

Amida's Lego Pegasus Automaton 02

An Automaton is a movable mechanical kinetic device, usually imitating humans. These machines were extremely popular from 1860–1910. Some of them had very basic movements, such as arms/limbs, but others were much more complicated. The best Automatons could write, speak, serve tea, and sing. Amida, of BrickLink, created their own Lego Pegasus Automaton. A kinetic sculpture created entirely out of Lego. By turning a single gear, this graceful beast can flap its wings, move its tail, and pivot its body. All these movements come together in a pretty lifelike animation of flying. The white, brown, gray, and gold color palette, and some of the small details (the crystal knob) create a piece that could fit into any Jules Verne, or Steam Punk collection. Make sure to check out the video below.

“This Pegasus Automaton is moved by a series of mechanical gears and cranks. The Pegasus of white, hovering and flapping her wings, is recreated in balanced and correct body proportions to give vivid feelings. The gearbox has an antique beauty in clockwork style.” — Amida

Amida's Lego Pegasus Automaton 01

Pegasus Automaton from Amida Na on Vimeo.

The Pegasus Automaton Lego MOC can be found over on BrickLink: http://moc.bricklink.com/pages/moc/mocitem.page?idmocitem=1284

The Mind of a Lego Artist, A Lego Sculpture

Kristal's Lego Artist Sculpture, The Artist

Most Lego creations are a form of art, but some strive to be a little something more. This Lego sculpture, titled Inside the Mind of a Lego Artist, is the creation of Kristal. This is a kinetic sculpture that can almost qualify as an Automaton. The feature here is that the human head can open up and reveal an inner working of the mind. A place of imagination and wonder. Which is an explosion of color when compared to the outer white shell.

Make sure to check out the video below. The opening of the mind is a great surprise, and features some slick work with pulleys and gears. The second half of the video goes into the details of the technical system created.

Kristal's Lego Artist Sculpture, The Artist, The Mind

Check out more details of Inside the Mind of a Lego Artist at JK Brickworks: http://jkbrickworks.com/inside-the-mind-of-a-lego-artist/
