Tag: Animal
LegoGenre | 00344: Monkey
This Lego Owl Will Drop Some Wisdom.
What kind of questions could you ask a Lego Owl? “Which is better Classic Space or Star Wars?” “Will the Lego Movie be good?” “What minifies will Series 15 have?” “Will there be an official Lego Silmarillion theme?” “Where are all the Lego Pirates?” “Why is Ninjago so crazy?” The list could go on and on… whether of not a Lego Owl could actually answer such questions.
This Owl is amazingly lifelike. With a great focused stare, perfect coloring, and deadly talons. Owl was created by Mihai Marius Mihu.
Check out this Lego Owl over on Mihai Marius Mihu’s Flickr:
“Do Not Feed” — Mosaic Window Display
Hilary Leung and Steadibrick created this wonderful 3D mosaic window display titled “Do Not Feed.” This display is currently up in the Sherway Gardens Lego store in Toronto. It is not everyday that you see people combining a typical Lego mosaic with 3D objects, which is a shame because it can look great. As usual the pixelated 8-bit style design is a great fit with the blocky Lego. Everything is just so cute.
Make sure to check out this project over at Threadless, where you can vote to see it on a T-shirt!
Check out more creations by Hilary Leung on Flickr:
and check out Stedibrick’s page on Flickr:
Hilary Leung has also been featured before on LegoGenre: Lego Mosaics By Hilary Leung:
LegoGenre | 00252
Jovial Bovines.
Early Birds Get The Worm.