The Teeny Tiny Treehouse, A Microscale Lego MOC

The Teeny Tiny Treehouse, A Microscale Lego MOC

This “Teeny Tiny Treehouse” is the creation of Andreas Lenander. This microscale build has a very unique way to create a tree. A bunch of Lego whips/lasso’s have been twisted up and stacked together to create the tree trunk, and tree limbs. A very interesting technique that makes a tree that fits into a tropical jungle, rather then an evergreen mountain tree. There just isn’t a lot of good Lego trees designed for jungle and swamp style trees. A lot of Lego leafs, and plant tops are used with the standard Lego tree branches to make a dense canopy. The treehouse itself is a bunch of the new rounded 1×2 technic plates. The house is a bit big for the tree, but kids wont mind.

Check out this “Teeny Tiny Treehouse” over here:

The Lego Witcher: Geralt of Rivia, the White Wolf, Gwynbleidd, the Butcher of Blaviken.

Justin Stebbins's Lego The Witcher

Now that the video game Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is out, there is a huge demand for custom Lego creations. The Witcher universe is a tough and gritty place. With no clear good or bad resolutions. The protaganist is Geralt of Rivia. A Witcher, who spends his days hunting down monsters, and/or friends. This custom Lego Witcher Minifigure is the creation of Justin Stebbins. Who made a small swamp vignette for Geralt, including a (dead?) monster. Ready to be picked clean of any useful items.

Justin Stebbins's Lego The Witcher, Geralt Of Rivia

Check out this custom Lego Witcher: Geralt of Rivia Minifigure over on Flickr:

Early Explorations Of Foogara–7

Early explorations of Foogara-7

The best science fiction landscapes are the ones that look the most foreign. A great example of this is Brickthing’s MOC “Early Explorations Of Foogara–7.

“Analysis of preliminary scans indicated that Foogara-7 was a hostile and lifeless planet due to the poisonous Chlorine air and noxious swamps. However, an accidental secondary scan revealed a myriad of flora covering the planet surface, somehow able to survive in the seemingly uninhabitable environment.”

Some of the alien flora is beyond amazing.

Early explorations of Foogara-7 Detail