The Big Bad Wolf gets into many dubious adventures. Often cast as a villain in various fairy tales. The most famous of which is Little Red Riding Hood. This Lego figure is based on the pivotal scene in which the girls faces off with the wolf. The build is created by PaleoBricks and called “The better to eat you with!” The wolf is an entry into the Bio-Cup 2020, a challenge to build something with a “Canine” theme. The Big Bad Wolf is completely made out of Lego and is wearing a sleeping cap and blanket. The figure uses a lot of Bionicle pieces mixed with standard Lego. The end result is surprisingly clean, and looks natural. A few interesting details include the old style Lego Minifigure cape used for a tongue, the Minifigure arms hiding in the ears, and the blades being used for the tail. An overall great detail is the use of the lighter grey color on the chest and jaw.

You can find more photos and details about this Lego Big Bad Wolf over here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/115119324@N07/49996314726/