Gregor Samsa woke up one morning to find that he had transformed into a giant cockroach type bug, or as the story says a “monstrous vermin.” Maybe in some parallel universe Gregor also turned into Lego. Based off the classic novel by Franz Kafka, the Metamorphosis is a Lego MOC created by Water Snap. This build has a bunch of great details. The sheet has been built using a bunch of slopes and curved bricks, it creates a perfect wrinkled / used look. The bed is a simple frame with a very thin mattress which uses a whole lot of 1×1 flat round plates. A Lego pillow hiding behind the carapace is a great detail. The bug itself is well done. With Lego hoses used for antennae, and Lego wrenches to create the insect feet. This is one Lego creation that you probably don’t want hanging around the house. But if you do find a giant Lego insect in your house, make sure to feed it.
You can find more information about this Lego Metamorphosis over here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/59352975@N08/49912271828/