Everyday Bricks | 00419: I Just Want A Hot Dog

“Oh no, it seems like Mr. Craig’s Alarm Unit malfunctioned! He better hurry his way to work or a point might be added to his L4TE card!”
People do crazy things when they are late for work. Lego people are no different. Check out this Lego MOC by P Squiddy titled Late for the job! It is a perfect example of taking a solid MOC and creating a story around it. This isn’t just a flying car in the near/distant future, but a story being told about that future. The whole thing is achieved with minimal details, a few reactionary Minifigures is all it takes.
Late for the Job! is the creation of P Squiddy, and can be found over here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/71816275@N03/20553333840/
Lego Ninjago Rebooted will be released in 2014. With a whole slew of new Lego sets, and an all new TV show. The first official trailer is out now. Taking place in the hi-tech “New Ninjago City.” It looks like this newest version of Ninjago has gone cyber-punk.
“Time has passed and the Ninja have found they’ve become obsolete in this new hi-tech world. The 2014 season of Ninjago will take the ninja beyond anything they would have ever expected … and even thought possible.
The Ninja will be pushed to their limits as they face new digital threats and gain new allies in New Ninjago City.
All new episodes of Ninjago will premiere in 2014. A ninja never quits… Ninjaaaaa-GO!!!”
Ninjago is back for 2014. They have been on a bit of a hiatus since the debut of Lego Legends of Chima. Lego has repeatedly said that Ninjago would be coming back, and the new wave looks like it will be focusing on Robotics / Androids. This has easily been the craziest Lego theme in years. Often featuring Ninjas fighting dragons, skeletons, lizards, reptiles, and demons. Now the Masters of Spinjitzu can add Nindroids, the robotic ninja villains to that list. Convenient as it was recently reveled that Zane happens to be a Nindroid. These new sets are keeping Ninjago crazy busy.
Lego Ninjago Kai Fighter (70721) looks like Kai and General Cryptor will fight it out with a Ninja (Jet) Fighter.
Lego Ninjago OverBorg Attack (70722) will feature Lloyd and OverBorg fighting with motorcycles.
Lego Ninjago Thunder Raider (70723) will feature Cole and Jay taking on a Nindroid. Cole’s Earth Mech looks pretty nifty.
There are also rumors of an additional four sets coming in 2014. Nindroid Mechanical Dragon (70725), Air Breaks (70720), NinjaCopter (70724), and Destroyers (70726). It will be interesting to see how weird these new sets will be.
Thanks to the_Creator, over at Eurobricks for the leaked images: http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=78889&st=0