Chicks And Bunnies, The Lego Peeps

Chicks And Bunnies, The Lego Peeps

Peeps have been around for over 65 years. The marshmallow and sugar candies are pretty much only available in the spring. There are two different classic peeps, chicks and bunnies. And, a serving size is 5 at a time, which seems very plentiful. These Lego Peeps are the creation of allysongaillego. Who has been building a lot of Easter and Holiday themed creations. They are in the classic pink and yellow colors. With the black brick outline it really helps to give these definition. I wonder if you leave them in the car, if they too will melt into a weird mega Peep?

Check out allysongaillego and the Lego Peeps over here:

Just A Lego Chicken And TRex

Lego Chicken

This lego chicken is spectacular. The details on the feathers, legs, and head are all spot on. Note the use of Bionicle pieces used to build the chickens comb. Although the little chicken is the star, its distant relative the TRex is great too. This is the creation of timofey_tkachev, and is titled “What has become of us?!” It is a part of an MOC challenge called the Builder’s Battle to “”build an object or living creature from one era which landed in another one, totally different era.”

Lego Chicken and TRex

Check out “What has become of us?!” over here: