The Hero has finally made it to the end, and is ready for the final battle. An epic fight with a giant, made up of a whole bunch of other Minifigures. “The Final Battle” is the creation of SeanBr1cks, who built this Lego MOC as an entry into the Lego Ideas contest. The giant is the star of this build, and amazingly it keeps the Minifigures shape very well. If you look carefully you can even see it has two eyes. It is also rare to see a brick built background. Here it is a bunch of plates turned up on their side. It works well, and is better than a plain white or grey background. Hopefully our little hero brought an extra life or two, or at least a health potion… he’s going to need it.
Check out “The Final Battle” over here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/164108125@N03/49680533388/