The Knucker And The Pie — Lego Folklore

The Knucker And The Pie — Lego Folklore

This Lego MOC called “The Knucker And The Pie” is created by Kingmarshy. Built as an entry into Bio-Cup 2020 in the Folklore and Mythology theme. In this case this brick built dragon is based on the tale of The Knucker. An old legend based in the village of Lyminster in Sussex. The village had a dragon problem and a local resident came up with a plan involving a poisoned pie. This Lego build has recreated the mythical dragon. A red and gold beast built using a lot of Bionicle parts. When looking at the detail in the legs you might find Bionicle masks, hands, and armor plating. The rib cage and the tiny wings are great details that lend personality to the Knucker. The dragon is made up of a lot of flexible joints and points. Meaning that it can take up a lot of different poses. The Kuncker comes with two accessories, Jim Puttock as a Lego Minifigure and his delicious poisoned pie.

The Knucker And The Pie — Lego Folklore Details

You can find more details, photos, and read more about the folklore behind this Lego build of “The Knucker And The Pie” over here:

The Lich King Raised a Lego Sindragosa (World of Warcraft)

BangooH's Lego World Of Warcraft Sindragosa Dragon

Sindragosa is an undead dragon raised by the Lich King from an icy grave in Icecrown. Instantly creating one of the most iconic dragons in the video game World of Warcraft. This Lego Sindragosa is the creation of Bangoo H.  Will the Queen of the Frostbrood achieve revenge? Will Lego Adventurers, Tirion Fording and Darion Mograine be able to stop her in time?

BangooH's Lego World Of Warcraft Sindragosa

Sindragosa is an impressive Lego model. Built almost to the Minifigure scale, this dragon is ready to destroy any challengers. A Lego dragon is a difficult creature to build, but an undead dragon is near impossible. The impression of a skeleton is achieved with a careful selection of grey Lego pieces and various hinges. The internal skeleton relies on Technic pieces for strength without adding too much bulk. The whole thing is finished with a massive wingspan.

BangooH's Lego World Of Warcraft Sindragosa Detail

Check out this Lego Sindragosa, created by Bangoo H, over on Flickr: