Lego Iron Man’s Suit

How does Tony Stark get his Iron Man suit on? Keshen8 has a good idea on how that would go, with Lego Iron Man’s New Suit. With extra smooth animation, good sound effects & dubbing, and even some special effects that all combine to create a great Iron Man spoof.

Also check out the background. The whole thing takes place in the Hall of Armor, which is probably one of those sets everyone wishes Lego would create.

Lego Iron Man’s Suit:

H.U.L.K. Exo Suit

TrapleS’s HULK Exo Suit

Ever since Aliens, the dream of a working Exo Suit has taken up many a person. Although still a few years away from that reality, you can build your own mecha in Lego.

That’s what Flickr user TrapleS did with his H.U.L.K. Exo Suit. Every single piece of this MOC is beyond me. The scifi robot genre of Lego builds is incredibly technically advanced. Just look at all those Technic parts, pins, and joints. All of these pieces come together in a very expressive mecha suit.

TrapleS’s HULK Exo Suit Detail