A Motorized Lego Lighthouse

A Motorized Lego Lighthouse, Day and Night

A lonely lightkeeper keeping all those ships from crashing into nearby rocks is a job for the most hardy. After months alone a shift change is eagerly awaited. This Lego Lighthouse is created by Roses Must Build. The main feature of this build is that a lightbrick mounted in the tower can be turned. A hand crank is hidden among the rocks, but the whole model is cleverly wired up for Power Functions. Hiding behind one of the rocks you can access a hidden door that controls the Lighthouse. Make sure to check out the video below to see it work. This scene has been built in nano-scale so that a sense of imposing loneliness can be properly portrayed. For shift changes, and supply refills a short dock can be used. Built into the rocky island are some precarious stairs leading up the island. On top you can find a very classic cozy house, and attached Lighthouse, all in classic red and white colors.

A Motorized Lego Lighthouse, Lightkeeper

You can go find more details about this motorized lighthouse over on Lego Ideas: https://ideas.lego.com/projects/a8055a23-30d5-45a4-b046-7f5988722a3f

And, make sure to check out the video below, or over here: https://youtu.be/5W0N48JURiQ

The Cubo Scout Drone Exploring Deep Space

The Lego Cubo Scout Drone Exploring Deep Space
The Cubo Scout Drone Back
Lego Cubo Scout Drone Opened

This is the Lego Cubo Scout Drone, created by Milan Sekiz. This cute little drone is based on the 1980’s Blacktron theme. The black, yellow, and red colors are very striking. You can tell because of all the black, that this drone is up to some bad stuff. The design of this spaceship when folded up is a cube. With one corner featuring an ominous red window. A Lego light brick is placed inside to achieve the red light effect. The scout can unfold itself and open into a more traditional spaceship design. With two wings and engines. The whole this even comes with a stand, that holds the ship on its corner. It all fits together well, emphasizing the geometric design.

Check out the Cubo Scout Drone over here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/128819970@N06/49689110418/