The Kiruna Watchtower — Mitgardia

The Kiruna Watchtower — Mitgardia, Lego MOC

In the Guilds of Historica the northern guild of Mitgardia rules over cold and harsh lands. Mitgardia has a series of fortifications to provide safety to travelers. This Lego MOC called the “Kiruna Watchtower” is created by Andreas Lenander. Set in the Historica project, which is a collection of fantasy themed Lego creations working towards creating a fictional world full of lore and adventure. This Lego Watchtower has been built as an entry into the Summer Joust. There are a lot of interesting techniques and details on show. The frozen river and snow break out from the base, a great way to communicate how wild and uncontrollable the environment is. The wooden pier is a great mini build as are the various pine trees. The tower itself is a good example of using texture to increase the detail of Lego. The brick patterned 1×2 pieces can look fake when too many are lined up, which has been avoided by adding in some green details.

The Kiruna Watchtower, Lego MOC Frozen North Detail

You can find more story information and details about his Lego Kiruna Watchtower over here:

Check Out These Frozen Lego Figures: Anna And Elsa

YOS Lego, Frozen Lego Anna And Elsa

Just finished watching Frozen for the millionth time and you need more? Are the Lego mini-doll figures are just not enough? Then your only option is to build your own. Which is what YOS Lego has done with their Lego Anna & Elsa (Frozen) figures. These figures have a little bit of movement to them, you can turn their heads and hands. They also feature removable arms so that you can give them different poses. Not only that but Elsa has a whole giant ice “snake” as an accessory. The details are great, just check out the hair (which is way more complicated then it looks), and check out the details on Anna’s dress.

If you want Lego to know you want more Frozen stuff you can vote for project over on Lego Ideas. These Anna & Elsa figures have their own Ideas page here:

YOS Lego, Lego Frozen Elsa

You can find more Frozen Lego stuff here:

Lego Frozen: Elsa’s Sparkling Ice Castle (41062) Review

Lego Frozen: Elsa's Sparkling Ice Castle 41062 Box Reviewed, mostlytechnic

Lego has the ability to make and sell Disney Frozen themed sets, and yet they only have one release so far. It seems that anything with the Frozen logo is instantly popular, and sells out in no time. This theme is a license to print money. The first Lego set is called Elsa’s Sparkling Ice Castle (41062), it is $39.99 and has 292 pieces. There are also three exclusive figures: Elsa, Anna, and Olaf. The piece to part ratio is extremely high, making this one of the more expensive sets for what you get. So is the Frozen Castle worth it? Check out the full review, by mostlytechnic, over on Eurobricks: here.

Lego Frozen: Elsa's Sparkling Ice Castle 41062 Set Reviewed, mostlytechnic

The full set is actually a bit different then what you would expect. The design of the castle does not reflect what is in the film, and is a weird white and transparent blue. This is more of a Frozen mountain then a castle. But, for most people that won’t matter, because the figures are what they want. And, Lego really went all out. The resemblance to their movie counterpart is extremely close for Lego figures. Elsa and Anna look good in Lego. Olaf looks good, but is not as special.

Lego Frozen: Elsa's Sparkling Ice Castle 41062, Elsa, Anna, Olaf Reviewed, mostlytechnic
Lego Frozen: Elsa's Sparkling Ice Castle 41062, Elsa, Anna, Olaf Figures Reviewed, mostlytechnic

Make sure to read the full review (lots of big photos, details, and thoughts), by mostlytechnic, over on Eurobricks: