Winterfell from A Game of Thrones in Lego

Winterfell, A Game of Thrones Lego

In A Game of Thrones, the castle of Winterfell is the capital of the North. In the beginning of the series, the continent of Westeros is ruled by the Iron Throne, and it can be divided up further into 7 smaller kingdoms. The northern kingdom is home of House Stark who live in Winterfell. The castle Winterfell supports Winter Town during the winter years, but during the summer years most of its citizens spread throughout the kingdom.

Winterfell with Bran Stark, A Game of Thrones Lego

This Lego Winterfell is the creation of Sered, who spent a whole lot of time on this MOC. The castle contains a surprising amount of details, including some fully furnished interiors, a Godswood, the Broken Tower, the Great Keep, and even little Bran Stark climbing around the walls. I wonder what he will find inside those closed doors.

Winterfell Wall, A Game of Thrones Lego

Winterfell is a part of a greater diorama based on A Game of Thrones. Besides Winterfell, the locations of the Frey’s Twin Towers, and Castle Black are also showcased. The whole diorama is 288 studs wide, and 576 studs long. The project is the creation of Sered, Marco Cancellieri, Lothard McLotti, and Itaria No Shintaku. Recently the whole project was displayed at ItLug Latina 2013 Lugfest.

Winterfell Detail, A Game of Thrones Lego

Photos of Winterfell can be found here:

More information about the A Game of Thrones diorama can be found here: