The Alien Xenomorph is an iconic figure in science fiction. Instantly recognizable, and yet it can blend in and hide almost anywhere on a spaceship. Their standard variants of Egg, Chestburster, Facehugger, and Queen are all terrifying. There is also an interesting feature to them. The Xenomorph can be born with some of the aspects of their hosts. The Dragon Alien (dog), Newborn (human clone), Predalien (Predator), Deacon (Engineer), and the Neomorph (spores). This Lego MOC is the creation of _Zenn, and is called the Prowl Xenomorph. It was created for the Space Jame 2018 as an Extraterrestrial Entry. It captures all the details expected of a Lego Xenomorph. Check out the black Lego hands used for the tail, and the Lego arms hidden inside the chest.

Check out the Lego Prowl Alien, by _Zenn over here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/_zenn/32911860468/