This Lego Xenomorph Is On The Prowl

This Lego Xenomorph Is On The Prowl

The Alien Xenomorph is an iconic figure in science fiction. Instantly recognizable, and yet it can blend in and hide almost anywhere on a spaceship. Their standard variants of Egg, Chestburster, Facehugger, and Queen are all terrifying. There is also an interesting feature to them. The Xenomorph can be born with some of the aspects of their hosts. The Dragon Alien (dog), Newborn (human clone), Predalien (Predator), Deacon (Engineer), and the Neomorph (spores). This Lego MOC is the creation of _Zenn, and is called the Prowl Xenomorph. It was created for the Space Jame 2018 as an Extraterrestrial Entry. It captures all the details expected of a Lego Xenomorph. Check out the black Lego hands used for the tail, and the Lego arms hidden inside the chest.

Lego Alien Prowl Xenomorph

Check out the Lego Prowl Alien, by _Zenn over here:

This M577 APC Is Ready To Blast Aliens

This M577 APC Is Ready To Blast Aliens

The M577 APC, or Armored Personnel Carrier is the perfect vehicle to take to battle against Aliens. This Lego MOC has all the features including Turret, RE700 Rotary Canon, and DSGR Smart Missiles. There is even room for a small Minifigure crew. Nothing can stop this APC, it is explosion and bullet proof, and can roll over all sorts of terrain. Just make sure not to spill acid around it. This vehicle is the creation of Rick Brickham, and is made up of about 750 pieces.

Lego M577 APC from Aliens detail

Check out this Lego Aliens M577 APC over here: