Relive 1984 With This Lego Apple Macintosh 128k

Ryan Lego Apple Macintosh 128k

You too can relive 1984 with this Lego Apple Macintosh 128k. Ryan McNaught built the Mac, and almost everything else on the desk out of Lego. The Rubik’s Cube, Pencil/Pen Cup, the Pens, Calculator, Rolodex, and even that little Pencil are all Lego. The only thing that is not are the wires connecting the keyboard and mouse. This MOC took Ryan over 22 hours to build with some 4,500 pieces. There are so much beige bricks. Some of the best details include the retro multi-colored Apple logo, the keys on the keyboard, and the plates used as the rolodex cards. But the best detail is the screen and icon. This Lego Mac seems a little less happy then normal.

Ryan Lego Apple Macintosh 128k, Happy Mac Icon

Check out this Lego Macintosh 128k over here:

128k. A Mini Lego Apple Macintosh.

customBRICKS's 128k Lego Apple Macintosh

customBRICKS has created this minifigure scale Lego Apple Macintosh. This micro 128k computer is perfectly simple. Every piece has its place, and no Lego piece is superfluous. This little guy is actually a micro version of Chris McVeighs larger Lego Mac “hello.” which can be seen here. I don’t believe the 128k can get any cuter.

Check out the customBRICKS’s 128k over on Flickr:

A Lego Macintosh. “Hello.”

Chris McVeigh's Lego Macintosh Hello

There are a few iconic computer designs. One of the most recognizable is the original Apple Macintosh, also known as the Macintosh 128k. With its 512 × 342 black and white display happily greeting the world with a friendly “hello.” Chris McVeigh, aka: powerpig, has created one of the most popular Lego MOCs of one of the most popular computers. There are even free instructions available at You can also buy a custom kit based on the 128k Mac. Hopefully the Lego version is a bit cheaper then the original $2,495 price tag.

Check out the Lego Macintosh over at

Chris McVeigh has been featured on LegoGenre before with this amazing IT Crowd scene:

Moss: “Flip, it’s an iPhone, it’s a flipping iPhone in the crane machine!” – It Crowd

“Flip, it's an iPhone, it's a flipping iPhone in the crane machine!” Moss — It Crowd

“…it’s beautiful.”

This vignette, created by Powerpig, stars Maurice Moss in one of his most famous scenes from the IT Crowd. In the episode “”Italian for Beginners” Moss walks by a claw machine in an arcade and immediately notices an iPhone is a prize. The normally subdued Moss soon ends up inside said crane machine in an attempt to acquire an iPhone without paying Apple. This Lego Moss and crane machine are perfect. Now to watch the whole series over again.

Check it out on Flickr:

“Starting to get pretty lonely now…”