Grab your portal gun and run. In Rick and Morty it is revealed that there are infinite worlds that also have alternate dimensional versions of Rick and Morty. As told in the episode “Close Rick-counters of the Rick Kind.” This Lego MOC of Rick and Morty is the work of MadLEGOman. There must be a dimension out there where everyone and everything is made out of Lego. And their Rick and Morty might just look like these two. The two Lego figures are fully articulated, and can hold many poses. Morty is is made out of submarine propeller housing pieces, and has Minifigure legs for fingers. Rick has a brick built lab jacket and comes with a portal gun. One thing that is easy to overlook is that these figures are a lot taller than at first glance. Ricks head alone is about the size of a fist. These two are ready for some weird adventures.

Check out this Lego Rick and Morty over here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/madlegoman/49832279311/