The Lego Movie Video Game Screenshots

The Lego Movie Video Game Screenshots

The Lego Movie will be getting its very own video game. TT Games and Lego have announced that The Lego Movie Video Game will be released with the upcoming The Lego Movie, which will be in February 2014. Making its home on pretty much every single platform available. From the new Xbox One, PS4, and Wii U, to with the Xbox 360, PS3, PC, 3DS and Vita. Don’t be too surprised if it also ends up on iOS (which most of the recent games have).

These The Lego Movie Video Game screenshots show off a world that is built out of Lego bricks (instead of the typical TT Game style of rendered backgrounds). The only other concrete detail is that the new game will feature at least 90 playable characters inspired by the film, and 15 levels.

The Lego Movie Video Game Screenshots 2

The Lego Movie Video Game Screenshots 3

Check out Kotaku for more screenshots:

Also, check out The Lego Movie trailer and poster are here: