Lego Roy Is Looking For An Invitation To Smash Bros

Lego Roy Is Ready To Fight In Smash Bros

This Lego Roy is looking for an invitation to Smash Bros. Roy is one of the many Fire Emblem fighters who just happens to fight with a sword. His first Smash was all the way back on the Gamecube with Melee. Where swords were not as popular. This little guy comes equipped with a red cape, fancy gold accented armor, and a striking red hair cut. Smash makes for a great theme for lego MOCs, but imagine a whole Lego Smash Bros. game. Maybe some day.

Lego Roy is created by Mattie Pino, who is on their way to creating the whole Smash Bros. Ultimate Line up in lego. Check them out over here:

R.O.B. Joins The Battle. A Smash Bros. Lego MOC.

UnknownBrick Films, Nintendo Smash Bros. Lego ROB

R.O.B. is one of the most well known of the obscure Nintendo characters. This Robotic Operating Buddy originally started out as various pieces of plastic that interfaced with the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). It was a trojan horse, used to get the video game systems onto retailers shelves by marketing the NES as a toy. R.O.B. was quickly abandoned by Nintendo for over a decade. It has found a new home inside the popular video game Smash Bros. UnknownBrick Films created this Lego version of R.O.B. and is quick to point out that it is not their main in Smash. This little guy is made with a whole 16+ pieces. The simple build captures everything you need to know about R.O.B. and is instantly recognizable. Now lets get a whole series of Smash Bros. Lego built!

You can find details about R.O.B. here: