The Rebel Fleet. A Lego Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back MOC.

mortesv lego star wars rebel fleet moc 01

“But the glow of the stars is just a faint glimmer compared to the magnificence of the kickass Rebel Fleet just outside!”

The Rebels in Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back are a ragtag group of resistance fighters. They have desperately put together a fleet of starships and starfighters as they prepare to assault the Empire. This fleet is one of the most iconic scenes from Empire Strikes Back, and a lot of kids who saw it in theaters wanted to create their own in Lego. For many years this proved challenging; but now with a lot of time, artistic inspiration, and a lot of money, you too can create your own Lego Star Wars Fleet.

Mortesv, the self-styled Admiral of the Rebel Fleet, has spent a good chunk of time recreating the fleet in Lego. The whole project is mostly in scale. The stars of the show are huge Lego MOCs of the Redemption and Tantive IV. If you look carefully you can even find a few unwelcome guests among the fleet.

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There are 52 ships represented here. 15 X-Wings, 16 Y-Wings, 6 B-Wings, 5 A-Wings, 3 GR-75 Medium Transports, 2 TIE Fighters, 1 Corellian Corvette (Tantive IV), 1 Nebulon-B Escort Frigate (The Redemption), 1 Firespray-class interceptor (Slave 1),  1 Lambda-class T-4a Shuttle (Tyderium), and 1 Millennium Falcon.

A whole system of clear support structures and connectors keep the Rebel Fleet afloat. This helps keep the focus on the ships themselves. With all the detail and greebling the last thing you want to do is hide anything behind ugly structures.

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Check out more photos and details about the Lego Star Wars Rebel Fleet, created by mortesv, over on Eurobricks:

Make sure to watch the video below, it shows off just how much space a project like this takes up.

The Aquilax Fleet – A Lego Micro Space Project

Tim Goddard's Lego Space Aquilax Fleet

Purple is an extremely unfamiliar color for most Lego builders. In the past Lego has associated purple with Lego Friends or other girl-targeted themes. But, purple is on the rise.  A lot of the Super Heroes sets feature a good amount of purple, and the color is popping up in small amounts everywhere. The popularity of Lego Friends also means that it easy to acquire a lot of purple bricks quickly. Tim Goddard decided to create a whole Lego Space fleet in micro scale using purple. This collection of spaceships is known as the Aquilax Fleet.  Featuring a Destroyer, Frigate, Flagship and a few smaller starfighters. The gold accents and white base color contrast with the purple perfectly. Creating very clean, but almost alien looking starships. By restricting the part selection, and focusing on a micro-build, the designer has forced themselves to get creating with the Lego pieces.

Tim Goddard's Lego Space Aquilax Flagship

Tim Goddard has also put out a call for other Lego builders to contribute to a Micro-/Nano-Space Fly-In. Where you can “contribute to the rag-tag fleet of space-based Refugees, Imperiums, Federations, Independents, Raiders, Pirates, Aliens, Ancients & More.” Check out for more details. Contributors will be able to display their collection at the AFOLCON/BRICK 2014.

Tim Goddard's Lego Space Aquilax Frigate Tim Goddard's Lego Space Aquilax Destroyer

Check out the Aquilax Fleet, designed by Tim Goddard, over on Flickr: