The Nintendo Switch is a phenomenon. It is an almost perfect blend of portability and console. Proving to be the best way to play most video games, especially indie games. The Switch even has a lot of Lego video games. (Lego Worlds, City Undercover, Marvel Superheroes 2, Ninjago Movie Videogame, The Incredibles, Harry Potter, Jurassic Park, Lego Movie 2, and DC Super-Villains. With many more coming!) Making a Nintendo Switch out of Lego is a fun build too. 3DS Animation has provided a few video instructions, showing how to make a Lego Switch, a Dock, and Joycons. Check them out below.

Another Lego project you can build is a working Nintendo Switch Dock. Through the top you can slot the system into the Lego Dock. Then you can attach optional Lego Joycons to finish the illusion. A cool detail is that you can build multiple Joycons in different colors. This build is also from 3DS Animation, who again provides video instructions for the Lego Dock.

For instructions on how to build these Lego Switch projects, check out these two videos below, or over here: https://youtu.be/zI2eL7oNycs and https://youtu.be/GqnqBjsNc5A
Also check out other Nintendo Lego MOCs and stuff over here: http://everydaybricks.com/tag/nintendo/