Lego Batman Cruising In The New Bat MOWbile

lego_panda's Lego Batman Bat MOWbile


Lego Batman enjoys a good Saturday morning mowing the grass with his Bat MOWbile. Afterwards, he enjoys cruising down the highway to the local hardware store to pick up some weed killer. For his Poison Ivy problem.

This is a super simple Lego MOC that ended up being awesome. Check out the blade guard area. The Lego Bat MOWbile is the creation of lego_panda, and you can find more about it here:

Bricklies: Lego Jello

Bricklies: Lego Jello

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“May I interest you in a jello brick, sir? There’s a grape in the middle.” — Principal Skinner

Lego Jello.  — AuntiePesto

Bricklies is a weekly lego webcomic created by AuntiePesto and hosted by LegoGenre. Updates every Friday.