The Atari 2600 was one of the first popular video game consoles. Originally offered in the late 1970s, the wild success eventually led the video game crash of 1983. Recreating old retro video game consoles in lego is very popular. This lego Atari 2600, created by -derjoe-, manages to keep the most defining feature of the console: its fake wood paneling. The choice of orange for the background fits the era perfectly. Not only is the 2600 made of lego, but the joystick, power adapter, Space Invaders video game cartridge, and the Pitfall video game box are also all lego. The black vented slots are present, as are all the toggle switches. The only thing missing is an old tv to play it on.

The details present are all very well done. Check out the Pitfall box, a super complicated design of lego plates creating the famous artwork. The toggle switches on the console even have room to be pushed up or down. The Atari logo is a a great micro-build all on its own. Even the joystick controller has some amazing details. Check out this lego Atari VCS 2600 over here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/53163759@N04/49580879882/

Thanks for sharing with all that nice words. At Instagram are more pictures in detail. Look at _derjoe_