The Legend of Zelda, Link’s Hylian Shield – A Lego Mosaic.

Briotr's Lego Legend Of Zelda Link's Hylian Shield

Lego and Zelda go together extremely well, so well that there are many epic Lego creations based on the popular video game franchise. The fantasy setting blends well with the Lego Castle theme. An uncountable amount of kids have at one time or another created their own Zelda inspired MOC. A whole lot of Nintendo themes would fit into Lego. Imagine Mario, Metroid, Zelda, and Pokemon. With the recent release of Majora’s Mask, a few more custom creations are probably on their way.

This Lego mosaic of Link’s Hylian Shield is the creation of Briotr. Instead of sticking to a simple grid style Lego mosaic, they combined and used a lot of pieces that can create more natural shapes. This style also acts as a sort of magic eye sort of puzzle. Can you find an alligator, red flag, blue Lego pants, and the $100 bill? Good luck!

Briotr's Lego Legend Of Zelda Link's Hylian Shield Detail

This Lego mosaic of Link’s Hylian Shield from The Legend of Zelda can be found here:

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