A Lego Fell Beast Is Hunting Hobbits

A Lego Fell Beast Is Hunting Hobbits, The Lord of the Rings, Osgiliath

In The Lord of the Rings, the Nazgul almost found the One Ring a few times in their search. In the Two Towers, one of the most scary moments is when Frodo, Sam, and Gollum are hiding in the ruins of Osgiliath. The Witch King almost uncovers the Hobbits, but Frodo perseveres and they remain hidden. This scene has been recreated by Aaron Newman in this Lego MOC called “Wraiths With Wings!” The build features two main parts. The ruined tower base, and the massive brick-built Fell Beast that can perch on top. The dragon like beast is fully posable, and even features folding brick built wings. The full range of movement in the wings and in the body means that the beast has to be designed very carefully. There needs to be enough support to hold up all the weight, and all that weight needs to be perfectly balanced on two feet (and sometimes a tail). For some added support when perched atop the tower, there are a few technic pins holding it on. According to the designer this ended up being the hardest part of this build. One of the best details is the work done in the head and mouth of the Lego Fell Beast. The bright red tongue and sickeningly pink mouth contrast with the muted colors of the dragon. The end result looks terrifyingly great, it almost looks like it could be an official set. The final model 1,251 pieces, which is a bit less than expected.

A Lego Fell Beast Is Hunting Hobbits, The Lord of the Rings, Nazgul

You can find a lot more detail (including instructions) about this Lego Fell Beast and Nazgul over here: https://www.aaronbrickdesigner.com/blog/2020/5/13/wraiths-with-wings

Welcome To The Lego City House Of Culture!

O0ger Lego House Of Culture 01

“This is a house where people meet and hang out, watch the latest indie band, record a demo, paint, or just grab a cup of coffee in the café.” — O0ger

This is the Lego House Of Culture, designed and build by O0ger. It is always an interesting challenge when you take one of those weird ugly Lego Pieces and use them in a new way. In this case, the gigantic wing that comes in sets like the Lego City Airport 60104. Two of these big wings are used to create the roof of the House of Culture. The large whole in the wing, where the rest of the plane goes has been transformed into a neat skylight. Some other details of note include the giant chess set on the patio, a nice looking bus shelter, and some neat benches built into the landscaping. The end result is one awesome architecture themed MOCs.

O0ger Lego House Of Culture 02

Check out this Lego House of Culture, by O0ger over here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/o0ger/32446153331/

Löffelschmitt “Pegasus” Mk III – Steampunk Flying Machine

Galaktek’s Löffelschmitt “Pegasus” Mk III - Steampunk Flying Machine

“As the population of Aurora V grew beyond its floating cities, a successor to the “Pegasus” Mk II was needed that could fly without the aid of gravitational anomalies. After extensive study of the planet’s flying reptiles, the Löffelschmitt company developed its iconic Mk III.

Some owners never adjusted to the new-fangled concept of “wings”, and the increased complexity in cockpit controls led to several crashes, forcing the Auroran government to implement its first pilot certification program (known to historians as the Dampfluftschiffpilotenausbildungsreform). On the plus side, the new concept of “lift” allowed more efficient engines, increased range, and the addition of onboard storage space.”

The Löffelschmitt “Pegasus” Mk III is the creation of Galaktek over at Flickr. This little steampunk flying machine is a masterpiece of design. Looking like something out of the mind of an alternate history Leonardo da Vinci. You can just imagine this thing wobbling and flapping wildly while expelling copious amounts of steam. In other words, a fun ride.

Based off of the Mk II, the Mk III improved on every aspect of the design. With a more balanced design and expanded wings, it almost looks like it could fly in real life.

Check out the Mk II here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/galaktek/8725892586/
and the Mk III here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/galaktek/8730338069/

Galaktek‘’s Löffelschmitt “Pegasus” Mk II - Steampunk Flying Machine