Even robots need their pets in this Lego MOC called “A Boy and his Dog” created by Ivan Martynov. Built for the Two of a Kind contest. Both of these robots have a lot of personality. The robot boy is a cute mini build. A few of the interesting pieces include the tiny elbow pieces for feet, the orb piece for a hand. The face is well done, but who knows what Lego pieces are being used. The robot dog is interesting as it has some complicated feet. The variety of transparent orange pieces used for the eyes almost make it seem spider-like. The two of them together offer a great contrast between different styles of robots. Based on their size, I’m sure that the robot dog will be walking the robot boy.
You can find out more about the Robot “A Boy and his Dog” over here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/brick_heretic/49952864921/