Hollow Knight is one of the best video games of the past few years. A super stylish metroidvania taking place in the bug kingdom called Hollownest. The main character starts off on a quest with only their trusty nail. Along the way a whole host of bosses must be defeated, and a few friends will be made in the process. One of those bosses is the Broken Vessel; a shell of a bug that has been taken over by a parasite. This Lego version of the Broken Vessel is created by Aardvark17. Built as an entry into the Bio-Cup 2020, which the challenge is to build something involving Nature and Parasites. The orange parasite parts are well done and look infectious. One of the great details is the bit of the orange leaking through the eyes. Any bug would know to stay away.
You can see more of the Broken Vessel build over here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/aardvark17/49996780452/
And, if you are looking for more Hollow Knight Lego stuff you can find some on EveryDayBricks here: http://everydaybricks.com/tag/hollow-knight/