Important Question: Can Lego Break Steel?

Important Question: Can Lego Break Steel?

There are lots of things Lego can do. One thing it is good at is being incredibly strong. Have you ever tried breaking a Lego brick? They are so tough, that some people think you can build a house with Lego, and some do not. A good question to put to the test is: Can Lego Break A Steel Axle? Thats just what the people at Brick Experiment Channel over on YouTube have found out. They did the homework, and all the Math. And, even a series of tests with Technic beams and pieces in which they apply a surprising amount of torque. All working towards the question, can Lego break steel? You will have to check out the video to see what happens…

Can Lego Break A Steel Axle Maths

Check out the embedded video below or over here:

Lego Kid Joker Solves a Maths Problem

Delatron3000's Lego Kid Joker Solves A Maths Problem

Kid Joker certainly has a bright future in store for him. That poor little cat is about to be an unwitting participant in a math experiment. Joker apparently does not need a calculator. Will Kid Batman be able to stop Kid Joker? Delatron3000 built “Kid Joker Solves a Maths Problem” using some impressively creative solutions. With Lego snakes for eyebrows and cat tails, and even Lego arms for fingers. What really sells this MOC is the oversized Joker grin.

See more Lego Kid Joker on Delatron3000’s Flicker page: