The Adventure Time Project, A Lego land of Ooo at Lego CUUSOO

jazlecraz's Lego Cuusoo, The Adventure Time Project

Lego and Adventure Time are an almost perfect match. Fans of both have been hoping for Lego to pick up an official license. Jazlecraz has created an incredibly detailed Lego CUUSOO project based on Adventure Time. This is the best way to get Lego to notice the demand for Adventure Time. There are currently over 9,000 supporters for this project, and when it hits 10,000 Lego has to officially review the proposal and make a decision. Lego has officially commented on the Adventure Time Project, and noted that no new molds would be created for a CUUSOO project. Meaning that the minifigures have been set aside in favor for a micro scale theme. Everybody would still love to see Finn, Jake, BMO, Marceline, Princess Bubblegum, Ice King, and Lemongrab get their own microfigures.

jazlecraz's Lego Cuusoo, The Adventure Time Project Treehouse

The Adventure Time Project is focused on created one amazing micro scale Tree Fort. Consisting of about 400 Lego pieces in its current incarnation. This means that it would fit in with the current $34.99 price point that Lego has favored for their CUUSOO theme. There are also six micro scale Lego sets that have been added as a bonus. Showing what could be done if this becomes a full theme. One thing is certain, if these were real there would be a whole lot of Finn and Jake figures.

jazlecraz's Lego Cuusoo, The Adventure Time Project Micro Ice Castlejazlecraz's Lego Cuusoo, The Adventure Time Project Micro Marceline's House

  • The Micro Ice Castle features Finn, Jake, the Ice King, Penguins, and the Wildberry Princess.
  • Marceline’s House would feature Finn, Jake, Marceline, Ice King, and Princess Bubblegum.

jazlecraz's Lego Cuusoo, The Adventure Time Project Micro Lumpy Spacejazlecraz's Lego Cuusoo, The Adventure Time Project Micro Lumpy Castle Lemongrab

  • Micro Lumpy Space would feature Finn, Jake, Princess Bubblegum, the Lumpy Space Princess and the Lumpy Space King.
  • Castle Lemongrab would feature Finn, Jake, Princess Bubblegum, Lemongrab, and Lemongrab 2.

jazlecraz's Lego Cuusoo, The Adventure Time Project Micro Candy Castlejazlecraz's Lego Cuusoo, The Adventure Time Project Micro Treefort

  • The Micro Candy Castle would beature Finn, Jake, Princess Bubblegum, Lady Rainicorn, and two other figures (I don’t know their names!).
  • And finally, the Micro Tree Fort would feature Finn, Jake, BMO, Princess Bubblegum, Marceline, and the Ice King.

Make sure to support Jazlecraz’s Lego Adventure Time Project over at Lego CUUSOO:

Lego Adventure Time Main Title

Cartoon Network has created a promo for Adventure Time where they completely redid the Main Title in Lego. The end result is a very well done recreation, showcasing many different styles of Lego building. This Lego Adventure Time looks so good it raises the demand for an official Adventure Time theme.

“(Lego) Adventure Time, C’mon grab your friends, We’ll go to very distant lands. With Jake the Dog and Finn the Human, The fun will never end, it’s (Lego) Adventure Time!”

Now lets see a Lego version for “Cake the Cat and Fionna the Human.”

Lego Adventure Time Main Title:

Lego Adventure Time with Lemongrab

MrScareChrome's Lemongrab Face

A Lego version of Adventure Time with Finn & Jake would make a great theme. The sheer craziness that is the Land of Ooo has created many great characters. For instance the Earl of Lemongrab, pictured above. Lemongrab happens to be one of those characters who have spun out of control and cause huge headaches for Finn & Jake. This build uses a Lego banana perfectly. I wonder what a Lego version of the Lemon Children would look like.

Check out Lemongrab’s Face, build by MrScareChrome, over on Flickr: