The Little Lego Fiat 500 Is Ready To Paint The Town

Little Lego Fiat 500

The Fiat 500 is a classic car often seen across the European continent. The two door compact car was famous for its ability to fit easily into tight city streets. It was manufactured in Italy between 1957 and 1975. As the years passed, the smaller design mixed with the curvy styling quickly made this a collectible. All of which makes it perfect as the latest release of the Lego Creator theme.

Fiat 500 Lego 10271 Box
Fiat 500 Lego 10271 Box Back

The Lego Fiat 500 (10271) is currently available. With 960 pieces at $89.99 the set seems to be right in the middle for pricing. The vintage vehicle features all sort of details. There is a fully detailed engine compartment in the back hatch. If it is too hot, you can open the sunroof. And, if you find yourself in some trouble there is a full size spare tire under the front hood. There is even a portable artist easel, perfect for painting various historical landmarks.

Lego Fiat 500 Interior Steering Wheel

The Fiat also features a fully detailed interior. With gear stick, steering wheel, hand brake, blinker, and speedometer. Besides the iconic yellow paint, the reclining seats are in a classic red. Make sure to check out all the details.

Branding and License Plates

Check out the Fiat 500 over on Lego for more information:

The FCA AHM 5 – A Lego Heavy Mech

The FCA AHM 5 - A Lego Heavy Mech

The FCA AHM 5, a lego heavy mech, is ready for a fight in the Italian countryside. This MOC is created by Marco Marozzi. It has an olive green (a rare color) and grey color scheme making it better at blending into stuff. The build uses custom decals and painted details which helps give it a finished appearance. Check out some of the fun stuff, like the feet/toe design, the pilot cab/face, and all the pipes scattered around everything. This lego heavy mech is a great addition to the thriving robot/mech category.

Lego Heavy Mech FCA AHM 5 Rear Detail

You an find the FCA AHM 5 over here: