This Lego Mecha Comes With Backup

This Lego Mecha Comes With Backup - With Cars

This Lego Mecha, also known as “LHB-025 Dvergr,” is created by Ryuhei Kawai. And, the robot is ready battle. It comes equipped with a huge energy axe, a few small guns, and missiles. Most importantly it comes with its own backup, two little cars equipped with cannons. Each car is slightly different, if you notice the cannons have different colors. The blue car is optimized to be as light as possible. While the yellow vehicle is more armored, but presumably slower than the other. The mecha on the other hand looks like a tank. With huge arms, and relatively small feet. A very solid build that does not look fragile. If LHB-025 Dvergr somehow becomes unbalanced its backup will cause a distraction, until things can get back up and running.

This Lego Mecha Comes With Backup

You can find more photos of this Lego Mecha “LHB-025 Dvergr” by Ryuhei Kawai over here:

Lego robots are some of the most creative builds, you can check out a whole lot more on EveryDayBricks over here:

This Lego Mecha Comes With Backup Rear View

A 28 Gun Black Seas Barracuda – A Lego Pirate Ship

A 28 Gun Black Seas Barracuda - A Lego Pirate Ship

The Black Seas Barracuda is perhaps the most famous Lego pirate ship to sail the brick seas. There is the original 1989 version, the 2002 re-release, and a mini version in 2018, and the ship wrecked version in 2020. Thats a lot of plunder. If you ever wondered if the ship could be even bigger and more detailed that would probably be this version. This Black Seas Barracuda is a “UCS Flagship” inspired Lego MOC created by Brick Ninja.

A 28 Gun Black Seas Barracuda - Time Isles - Pirates

This version of the Black Seas Barracuda has a lot more room for an extra mast, and set of sails. Even the flags are have been updated. It is loaded with 28 cannons, which means this galleon can go up against even the best equipped Imperial ships. Even the row boat is brick built. This ship is bigger in every dimension. The whole ships is a bit wider. There are two levels below deck and even a larger captains cabin. The whole build also contains a lot less Lego studs exposed to the elements.

The Barracuda also comes with an elaborate display. A raised up base, showing the ocean waves, and the deadly sea life beneath. The waves in particular are extremely well done. There is also an option to display the ship firing cannons. The Lego explosions looks great, with smoke and fire propelling the cannon ball away from the ship. Even the Lego waves are reacting to the cannon fire.

A 28 Gun Black Seas Barracuda - Cannon Fire

Check out more photos and more information about this Black Seas Barracuda over here:

Also, make sure to check out a video showcasing this Lego Pirate Ship (and a few others), and an interview with Brick Ninja below, or over here:

For all the other Lego Pirates themed ships, builds, and photos at EverydayBricks check out this link:

The Lone Ranger: Cavalry Builder Set (79106) Reviewed

KielDaMan’s The Lone Ranger Cavalry Builder Set Review

The Lone Ranger theme sure does have a lot of interesting sets. The Cavalry Builder Set (79106) is one of those sets that everyone wishes Lego would create for every theme. Having a full Cavalry in a wild west theme is almost essential. Who else is your collection of surly bandits and outlaws going to harass? You get three Cavalry soldiers, a cannon, a horse and the Lone Ranger. The only downside to this set is that the Lone Ranger won’t be alone for long if you buy more then one set in this theme. As an added bonus, most of these pieces (except the minifigs) can fit right in with a Pirate theme.

Check out the new review on Eurobricks by KielDaMan:

And check it out on Amazon if you want: The Lone Ranger Cavalry Builder Set (79106)

KielDaMan’s The Lone Ranger Cavalry Builder Set Detail