Just finished watching Frozen for the millionth time and you need more? Are the Lego mini-doll figures are just not enough? Then your only option is to build your own. Which is what YOS Lego has done with their Lego Anna & Elsa (Frozen) figures. These figures have a little bit of movement to them, you can turn their heads and hands. They also feature removable arms so that you can give them different poses. Not only that but Elsa has a whole giant ice “snake” as an accessory. The details are great, just check out the hair (which is way more complicated then it looks), and check out the details on Anna’s dress.
If you want Lego to know you want more Frozen stuff you can vote for project over on Lego Ideas. These Anna & Elsa figures have their own Ideas page here: https://ideas.lego.com/projects/165550
You can find more Frozen Lego stuff here: http://everydaybricks.com/tag/frozen/