San Diego Comic-Con (2013) Lego Exclusives: Micro Bag End & Star Wars: Jek-14 Starfighter

SDCC LOTR Micro Scale Bag End Lego Exclusives

Not only does Lego have some extremely rare exclusive minifigures at the San Diego Comic-Con (SDCC) this year, but they are also offering two exclusive sets. A Lego Micro Scale Bag End set and a Lego Star Wars: Jek-14 Mini Stealth Starfighter set. Each set features one minifigure and about 100-130 pieces. Limited to a production run of 1,000 sets each, these exclusives will sell out quickly. These two sets are first come, first serve, so if you happen to be lucky enough to be at SDCC this year make sure to get their early. They will be on sale for 39.99.

These Lego exclusives don’t seem to be that amazing, with figures and builds that don’t seem too special. Although the Jek-14 minifigure is an exclusive figure. Which means the secondary market for Jek-14 is going to be insane.

SDCC Lego Star Wars: Mini Jek-14 Stealth Starfighter Lego Exclusives

Bag End

“Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bar, sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat: it was a Hobbit-hole, and that means comfort.”

— The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien.

LBaixinho's Bag End

Bag End is Bilbo’s Hobbit-hole from the Hobbit, and Lord of the Rings. It being located in Bagshot Row of Hobbiton. The desire of all the Shire, or at least the Sackville-Bagginses. With the notable green door, and immaculate garden kept by Samwise Gamgee. Bag End may be the most innocent location in all of Middle Earth.

Lego did a great job with their official set, offering just the right amount of detail to feel complete on its own. Bag End is one of the best Lego sets currently available. When built the whole thing inspires people to add to the set. It can easily be expanded upon, and in this case expanded out.

LBaixinho, of Flickr, built this expanded Bag End. With the exception of the larger tree, and crooked fence, the actual Hobbit-Hole is straight from Lego’s set. What LBaixinho did, was offer up a more complete version of Bagshot Row. Filling in a front yard full of vegetables, flowers, roads and paths. Even Gandalf is stopping by, maybe getting ready to set up an Unexpected Gathering.

Check out Bag End and all the little details at Flickr:

LBaixinho's Bag End 2