Lego Tensegrity builds have broken out of the basic shape and have been exploring just what is possible with the physics. The gravity defying trick is being refined at a fast pace. This Lego City Tensegrity Sculpture is created by Ken MA, who has been inspired by the film “Inception.” Here the city is both above and below. An interesting feature about this Lego MOC in particular is that of the three chains/supports, the center one is trying to disappear as much as possible. A few transparent bricks helps this effect. These are great Lego skyscrapers, and would fit right in with the official architecture theme. Except half of them are upside down.

Check out more photos and details about this Lego Tensegrity Sculpture over here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/157484888@N02/49850672581/
You can find more Tensegrity Lego stuff on EveryDayBricks over here: http://everydaybricks.com/tag/tensegrity/