This is the 10-SGTY Racer a Lego MOC created by lokiloki29. They built a Lego Tensegrity Sculpture to achieve the hovering spaceship effect. A building technique that has exploded in popularity in the last few weeks. Most of them use Lego chains to hold the weight and balance the floating parts. This creation uses Lego ropes / strings. It helps the spaceship look like it is tethered down, yet ready to depart at any moment. The hanger design is well detailed too. With SNOT techniques used to achieve a more detailed and cleaner base. The yellow boxes created out of Lego plates, and the extra grates on the big Lego grates are great details. The platform lift / gantry is what really helps pull everything together. The appearance of it being on wheels hides its real purpose of being the support structure that is holding up the starfighter. A quick climb up to the walkway and now our pilot is board!
You can find more details about the 10-SGTY Racer over here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/lokiloki29/49859835061/
And, you can find more Lego Tensegrity builds on EveryDayBricks over here: http://everydaybricks.com/tag/tensegrity/