Meerkats are those cute burrowing animals that hang out in groups. They often stand to get a better view of their world. These Lego Meerkats are the creation of Felix Jaensch. They are a life-size recreation (no scaling down) of their real world inspiration. These Lego MOCs are in the same style of other big Lego sculptures. With lots of studs showing off. These little animals have some great details, the claws on the hands/feet are well done. As is the ear/cheek area. Much more complicated than it looks. Around back you can see that the faded stipe pattern is also present. Which leads all the way down to their tails. A good color gradient gives these a very realistic appearance. I could see these Meerkats getting their own television special. Lego Meerkat Manor. This needs to happen.

Check out these Lego Meerkats, built by Felix Jaensch, over here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/134907510@N05/49703129343/