A lonely lightkeeper keeping all those ships from crashing into nearby rocks is a job for the most hardy. After months alone a shift change is eagerly awaited. This Lego Lighthouse is created by Roses Must Build. The main feature of this build is that a lightbrick mounted in the tower can be turned. A hand crank is hidden among the rocks, but the whole model is cleverly wired up for Power Functions. Hiding behind one of the rocks you can access a hidden door that controls the Lighthouse. Make sure to check out the video below to see it work. This scene has been built in nano-scale so that a sense of imposing loneliness can be properly portrayed. For shift changes, and supply refills a short dock can be used. Built into the rocky island are some precarious stairs leading up the island. On top you can find a very classic cozy house, and attached Lighthouse, all in classic red and white colors.

You can go find more details about this motorized lighthouse over on Lego Ideas: https://ideas.lego.com/projects/a8055a23-30d5-45a4-b046-7f5988722a3f
And, make sure to check out the video below, or over here: https://youtu.be/5W0N48JURiQ