The Anatomy of a Tiny Lego Man

Freeny's Tiny Lego Man Anatomy Sculpt

This Tiny Lego Man Anatomy Study measures just 2.75 inches tall. The whole thing is even hand painted, including all the of the smallest details. Not only is there one finished Minifigure sculpt, but if you look into the background you can see another one being created. These little Lego Men are amazingly cool.

Check out the Tiny Lego Man Anatomy Sculpt by Freeny over on DeviantArt:

The (best?) Lego Minifigure Homemade Halloween Costume!

Halloween Lego Minifigure Costume

This might be the best Lego Minifigure costume. This homemade Halloween costume is super cool, especially compared to the official Legoland ones. This Minifig costume was shared by YouTube user, citizenera5er, whose son is going to win a whole lot of costume contests.

Happy Halloween!