In the Lord of the Rings, the hilltop town of Edoras is the setting of some of the most important scenes. It is most well known as the location of Meduseld, the golden hall, where King King Théoden holds court. The film trilogy found the perfect location to create their version of Edoras. The set was constructed in New Zealand on top of a place called Mount Sunday. After visiting this location in person Balbo2 was inspired to create a Lego MOC of Edoras. The final build is an entry into the Colossal Castle Contest, a challenge to create a micro scale castle. The grasslands of Rohan have been recreated as an elaborate base for the town. The layered tan plates mixed with the rock work looks great. A few fun details include the use of Minifigure hands as flags, a Minifigure crossbow used for wooden detail work in some of the buildings, and a micro scale horse and wagon by the gates.

You can check out more information, and see photos of this Lego Edoras over here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/141244012@N07/46488944041/