After a hard day at work nothing is more relaxing than a bath. This Lego MOC, called “The Bath” is created by Krzysztof J. This build has a few main parts to the scene. The woman is an impressive build. It is not a simple pose, with one leg up out of the water. The bathtub is another great model. The clawfoot tub has gold accents, the faucet is surprisingly detailed. With a gold Lego plate with a reverse 2×2 white round plate as the shower head. The bathtub is a bit more complicated than at first glance. The exterior is grey, with an interior in white, and a layer of transparent Lego bricks for the water. Thats a lot of layers. The whole scene is built on a base depicting a bathroom tile floor. The repetitive tile design looks great, and you can even see a cut out for the pluming. A great detail. A bath mat, and a pair of high heels finish the scene. Just remember your Lego needs a warm bath too.

You can find more photos, and details about this “The Bath” Lego MOC over here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/130853104@N08/49873702218/