Nothing is more valuable than fuel. How else can you power your power suit? And, that drone needs a some too. These two are looking for rare proto fuel out on the ice. Mining for Lego fuel is a very explosive and dangerous job. The duo “EXT01 & Nick” is the creation of Devid VII. Nick is all suited up in a Minifigure scale power armor. As usual these Lego builds are very delicate. If you get a closer look at the suit, you can see that there are ski attachments. The joystick design, and clips for feet are also great. Nick will use those joysticks to pilot his accompanying drone named EXT01. A larger unmanned robot, built to do the heavy lifting. These two have great color choices, making them pop out of the white background. They just look so happy to be risking their lives mining for Lego fuel.
Check out “EXT01 & Nick” over here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/devid7/49711926978/