Lego Monsters can be surprisingly horrifying. This Lego “Hercules” is a monstrous creation built by Buffoon. They used the scarab insect as inspiration. Which shows in the exoskeleton style design. A lot of these terrifying beasts use a lot of the Lego Bionicle pieces. I can honestly say that this build uses some pieces that are not entirely familiar. The skull head plates work well for the knee caps, but the other bright translucent blue pieces are really interesting. The plastic wings were used in a recent Ant Man release. Then there are a lot of horns, hooks, and hoses that connect everything together. A time tested way to make almost anything scary. The use of the transparent green/yellow is a great contrast to the blue and black. Maybe someone just needs to give it chance. Maybe Hercules just need a friend. Just make sure to leave the lights on.

Check out this Lego “Hercules” over here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/112183096@N07/49730255448/