Lego has just released the results of their newest Lego Ideas review. The Third 2019 Review had twelve projects make the cut, and three of them have passed the review. The upcoming releases will include a Lego Typewriter (with working mechanisms), a Lego version of the McCallister House from Home Alone, and a Lego Seinfeld apartment set for the shows 30th anniversary. These three sets represent the kind of releases Lego Ideas tends to approve. There is the non-licensed toy/object, the classic television sitcom, and the nostalgic family friendly movie. As usual, these Lego Ideas pitches do not represent the final product, and there will probably be both minor and major changes in order to get these up to Lego standards.
Three of the projects that did not pass this round will have similar themes being reviewed again. That means that the Legend of Zelda, Futurama, and Queen all have a second change. The next giant sized review will feature 26 different projects, and the winners will be announced sometime in the fall of 2020.
Check out all the details, and watch the announcement video over on Lego Ideas: https://ideas.lego.com/blogs/a4ae09b6-0d4c-4307-9da8-3ee9f3d368d6/post/fe963822-d1c7-4abb-b961-2b0885a221ce

The Lego Typewriter Project: https://ideas.lego.com/projects/075a31a1-7b54-4206-857c-7a9009405cc4

Home Alone, McCallister House Project: https://ideas.lego.com/projects/7fed15ef-44bb-43f7-9fd4-6633cf57ddda

The Seinfeld 30th Anniversary Project: https://ideas.lego.com/projects/763f0060-42c3-4329-9a39-d7dec10f72ce